The College Lodge is available for any valid I-Card holders (must be current & up to date with paid activity fee*), college departments, and recognized groups and organizations.
Located just a few miles from the IUP Campus, the College Lodge is available for wedding receptions, parties, dinners, or social functions. It holds 135 patrons comfortably and offers a beautiful view overlooking the park grounds and has a stone fire place, kitchen, HVAC, free guest wi-fi, and a rustic atmosphere.
Info on Recreational Activities at the Lodge
* Learn more about becoming a member of The Student Co-op
*The College Lodge cannot be reserved online. For further details click here.
The College Lodge is available for use by groups within the University community or by valid I-Card holders. Inquiries into reserving this facility can be completed online or at the Hadley Union Building (HUB).
All events must end before 11:00pm and all individuals must be off of the premises by 12:00am. Private individuals renting this facility must have a valid I-Card and will need to provide insurance on the building(s) they are renting. If an event will have alcohol, then additional insurance must be provided.
All private events will require a $250 refundable security deposit and a $350 rental fee. Completed reservations, insurance, and check must be submitted at least one week prior to the event. For further information please call 724-357-1397.